About Me

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I'm Fred. I arrived on the scene in 2002 in a paper bag. I was given as a birthday present. I live with "Him" and "Her". I spend a lot of time on my shelf above their bed thinking. We also spend quite a lot of our time on our Narrowboat "Jophina II" . My blog is about my thoughts and experiences.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Where are they?

A couple of days ago they all went out and left me. He told me that I was to be in charge and that he'd be in touch. Now, being in charge is a weighty responsibility but I am used to it and it is well within my capabilities. I sit on my shelf and survey what is going on and keep the other residents, principally a rather annoying Zebra, in order.

The "be in touch" bit is a bit new so I wasn't sure what to expect. Anyway, today the following picture arrived and to be honest I'm not sure what it means or where they are. It seems rather personal to me but I'm not sure whether to take it as a threat. I hope it isn't an omen.

Now dear reader ( or readers if there are more than one of you), where do you think they are. Not much of a clue is it? More when I know more! The only other clue I have is that yesterday they saw all manner of wild animals including elephants, gazelles, wildebeest etc etc but no bears.Mmmm?

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