About Me

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I'm Fred. I arrived on the scene in 2002 in a paper bag. I was given as a birthday present. I live with "Him" and "Her". I spend a lot of time on my shelf above their bed thinking. We also spend quite a lot of our time on our Narrowboat "Jophina II" . My blog is about my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, 8 February 2010

A weekend away..thoughts on Student life

Off we all went to York for the weekend to see L. I thought I would get to stay at the hotel where Him and Her were staying but they left me in L’s room at the Halls of Residence. At first I was a bit miffed but when they were all out I slipped out of L’s room and had a look around.

First of all, L’s room is at a place called Goodricke College at York University. It’s brand new and very nice although I’m not sure about her view of a building site outside- quite interesting though. Anyway it’s a kind of flat with a big kitchen and 10 bedrooms. Each room has its own bathroom so its quite civilised. The first thought was how clean and tidy the kitchen was; in fact almost spotless. Not what I was expecting. The second thought is that I can only assume that these students must work very hard at their studies all day long. Either that or they are doing a night shift at Tesco’s to raise money to pay the fees etc. and sleep all day. The reason for saying this is that the place seems practically deserted during the daytime. People emerge from their rooms at about 4pm wearing their PJ’s (which incidentally they wouldn’t be able to wear at Tescos!!) and gather in the kitchen. They eat cereal and snacks and sit around drinking coffee. As the evening progresses they eat more food although judging by the number of pizza boxes they get take aways a lot. Then they start drinking! At this point – about 10pm – L and her sister came back so I had to quietly sneak back to her room lest she find I was missing but they didn’t go to bed until very late – long past my bedtime.

The family all seemed to do lots of shopping and when it got to Sunday evening we went home. I felt quite sorry for Him – he seemed quite tired!

Oh yes and it was Her birthday on Sunday although discretion and a sense of self preservation prevents me from saying how old she is…

Oh and by the way, when was the Munich air disaster???!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Watch it Bear !!!!
    You arent so young yourself!



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