About Me

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I'm Fred. I arrived on the scene in 2002 in a paper bag. I was given as a birthday present. I live with "Him" and "Her". I spend a lot of time on my shelf above their bed thinking. We also spend quite a lot of our time on our Narrowboat "Jophina II" . My blog is about my thoughts and experiences.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentine's Day and Rugby

Have you noticed how many Valentine's Day cards feature Bears on the front? Well I have and I can tell you it's A LOT! Just goes to show what a sentimental, lovable lot we Bears are; mind you I wouldn't bother trying to share such a thought with some of my cousins from Canada or the Arctic!

So what's this St Valentine all about then. According to something He was given at Church this morning the name Valentine was very popular in Roman times and there is uncertainty over which particular Valentine the day is dedicated to. Papal records evidently show that Valentine was given a feast day of 14th February during the 5th century and was listed as a saint whose acts are "known only to God" (sounds like jobs for the boys to me). The connection with romance only came in the Middle Ages, it would seem , when it was believed that birds chose their mates in the middle of February and Valentine’s day was a convenient day to provide an excuse for amorous happenings whatever they are. I wonder what day Bears choose their mates?!!!

Yesterday He watched two Rugby matches - Wales v Scotland and France v Ireland. I was a bit upset that He didn't bring me downstairs to join him. He says that they were both good games which He enjoyed because He doesn't support any of the teams playing. Although he supports England I think he has a secondary affiliation to the Irish lot as he was a bit disappointed that they lost.

Anyway today it is Italy v England so I shall be sure to secure my place in front of the TV early!

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